Hírek : Kötelező a Memphis ellen(116-104) |
Kötelező a Memphis ellen(116-104)
Tibes 2007.04.09. 21:38
6.án játszották a meccset de sajnos most volt csak időm megírni az összefoglalót.
Szóval, idegenben léptünk pályára így volt némi félnivalónk, de szerencsére hozták azt a játékosok ami várható tőlük. Igazából az utolsó negyed döntött amit 36-22re nyertünk mert addig inkább a Memphis dominálta a játékot, miután a 2. negyedben megszerzett 10 pontos előnyünk után valahogy lefagytunk. Mint mindig most is inkább a támadáson volt a hangsúly mintsem a védekezésen. Baron Davis volt a vezérünk, majdnem tripladuplát csinált, 31 ponttal, 9 gólpasszal és 8 lepattanóval járult hozzá a sikerhez. Továbbá egy szép zsákolás után Gasol aláfeküdt és Diddy így csúnyán ráesett a hátára reméljük nincs komoly baj. Monta Ellis és Jason Richardson teljesítménye még említésre méltó, előbbi 20, utóbbi 19 pontot szorgoskodott össze. Biedrins sajnos rásérült a térdére. Gasolt és Kinseyt megint nem tudtuk fogni, előbbi 21, utóbbi karriercsúcsot jelentő 28 pontot hozott össze. Rudy Gay pedig "félrelépett" és megsérült egy JRich kimaradt tripla figyelése közben. Ez volt a negyedik győzelmünk sorozatban.
Don Nelson On Tonight's Game “It was a hard win for us, really. We didn’t attack their zone the first half at all, so we saw it all second half. They played us well; I was surprised. I didn’t want to lose this game going into San Antonio. I wanted to play everyone 48 minutes. The bench did well. This keeps us going. It gives us a free swing at San Antonio. I told the team it didn’t matter if everyone fouled out. They had to leave it on the floor. This was a must win.”
On the Grizzlies “They’re doing a lot of good things. It’s a hard year for them. They are close to our team in style. If they get a good draft pick that fits in with their play they’re going to be a very fine team next year. I give them credit. They watched film on us and were prepared for what we were doing. They’ve got a fine passer in [Pau] Gasol."
Stephen JacksonOn Tonight's Game“We’re playing for something right now; we’re playing hard. Injuries are going to happen. Our eyes are on the prize. Injuries won’t stop us from winning. This was a must win. We wanted to get two out of three [on this road trip]. We want to go in to San Antonio and win.”
On the Warriors “We’re taking it one game at a time. I’m glad tonight we had a rough game. It’s not easy. We haven’t made the playoffs in a while. Good teams finally get wins when they play hard, that's what the NBA is about. Coach [Don Nelson] came and got into us at the half. I’m glad he did.”
Baron DavisOn His Fall“I grabbed [Pau Gasol] when I went to dunk and he hit me. I knew I was falling so I was reaching for something and got a piece of his jersey. I didn’t mean to land on his neck. It was very scary.”
On the Grizzlies “This is a tough place to win. They play hard and are well coached. They have a lot of young talent. They always play hard. They have an All-Star in Pau Gasol. He showed how much he loved playing when he missed the first half of the season. They’re not near as bad as their record shows.”
Andris Biedrins On Injuring His Ankle “I don’t know if it was [Pau] Gasol, I jumped on somebody. My foot is hurting now. We’ll see how it feels tomorrow. It just started hurting the last two minutes. I told them to re-tape me. I don’t know [if I’ll play tomorrow]; if they need me I’m ready.”