Hírek : Megizzadtunk a Memphis ellen(122-117) |
Megizzadtunk a Memphis ellen(122-117)
Tibes 2007.04.04. 11:48
Hát igen, nem éppen a mi szájízünk szerint indult a meccs, Davis az 1. negyedben összeszedett 2 teknikait és nem léphetett utána pályára, bár amíg fennvolt, Richardsonnal alkottak egy szép kis alley-oop-ot. Így elég szorosan alakult a meccs, sőt a Memphis előnye a Kinsey-Warick-Gasol 3as remek játékának köszönheőten már 9 pontra is duzzadt. De sikerült valahogy ledolgozni mert nálunk is voltak remek teljesítmények, főleg Richardsonra és Jacksonra gondolok, valamint Ellisre akik remekül pótolták Davist mind védekezésben, mind támadásban. Így nagy nehezen sikerült kiizzadni az 5 pontos előnyt. Pietrus dobott egy elég érdekes clutch triplát a sarokból ami már szinte kipörgött de aztán visszaszédült a gyűrűbe.
Fontos győzelem volt ez, mert életben tartottuk a playoff reményeinket, de jó lenne most egy Rockets elleni meglepetéssiker idegenben...
Legjobb játékosok: Richardson(26 pont), Stephen Jackson(21 pont, 9 gólpassz), Monta Ellis(17 pont, 9 gólpassz), Harrington(17 pont), Biedrins (13 pont, 18 lepattanó)
Don Nelson On Today's Game “I was very pleased with today’s performance. We couldn’t afford to lose this one. Our guys hung in there together and had a season-high in assists. What’s important is that we are staying in the hunt. We were able to attack their zone by getting us some open three-point shots. They zoned us almost the whole game so we had to take those three-point shots. We were able to hit our shots in the fourth. Monta had nine assists with zero turnovers, which is a first for him. Mickael hit a great three-pointer toward the end that we really needed. He was outstanding and he really is a warrior. I didn’t really want to play the zone, but when we did in the fourth quarter, we took the lead. After that, our man-to-man defense really tightened up.”
Stephen Jackson On Today's Game "Everybody had to be playmakers without having Baron Davis out there. I think we just stayed aggressive and shared the ball and that's how we were able to get a run in the fourth quarter."
Jason Richardson On Playing Without Baron Davis "Anytime somebody goes out, especially somebody like Baron, we all have to step up. Guys stepped up everywhere. M.P. stepped it up on the defensive end, getting us some big blocks, Monta (stepped up) with the assists and Stephen did it with his scoring and assists. So everybody stepped up once Baron went out."
Andris Biedrins On Today's Game "We kind of struggled when Baron went out. In the second half we started to pass the ball and we had so many assists. I think that was the key to winning. Everybody was driving and passing the ball out for free shots and we were making the shots."