Hírek : Már 2. győzelmünk sorozatban :) (110-96) |
Már 2. győzelmünk sorozatban :) (110-96)
Tibes 2007.03.08. 15:55
Otthon vertük a Denvert. Carmelo Anthony hiányzott, mivel első gyermeke megszületett és szeretett volna ott lenni a kórházban. Helyette Iverson szórakoztatta a publikumot aki össze is hozott 35 pontot. De ez sem volt elég a mi egységes és egészséges(végre :D) csapatunk ellen. A 2. negyedben megléptünk 10 ponttal, főleg a JRich-Harrington-Davis trió sziporkázásának köszönhetően de a Nuggets (a már említett) Iverson és DerMarr Johnson jó játékának köszönhetően visszajött, így a félidő végén 1 pontra csökkent az előnyünk.(59-58), de a 3. negyedtől nem volt megállás, a fiúk rendesen kitettek magukért. A játékrészt 22-11re nyertük, ezúttal a ma visszatérő Stephen Jackson villogott leginkább. Baron Davist láthattuk zsákolni valamint mókás jelenetnek is szemtanúi lehettünk: Biedrins 3szor szedte le a támadólepattanót mire be tudta gyömöszölni a gyűrűbe(igaz 2 ember ugrált rajta).
A negyedik negyedet 2 ponttal hoztuk de ez bőven elég volt, Iversonék 9 ponton belül nem tudtak jönni. Úgy látszik a visszatérő Davis és Richardson összekovácsolta a csapatot így még messze nem kell eltemetnünk a Playoffot.
Legjobb játékosok: Davis(22 pont, 9 gólpassz, 30 játszott perc), Harrington(20 pont, 9 lepattanó), Stephen Jackson(18 pont, közte 4 tripla), Biedrins( 12 pont, 15 lepattanó, 3 blokk), Jason Richardson(16pont, közte 4 tripla, 3 blokk)
Denver: Iverson(35 pont), Johnson(15 pont), Camby(14 lepattanó)
A továbbra kattintva nyilatkozatokat olvashattok, illetve linket találtok az összefoglalóhoz.
Don Nelson On tonight's game “I didn’t like how we started the 1st and 2nd quarters. I felt that Stephen Jackson did a good job on Iverson in the 2nd half, which was our key for the game. He had some tendinitis in his knee and I didn’t even know if we would have him for the 2nd half. But he tried it and I told him 'Once I put you in, I’m not taking you out.' He is really a unique player in that he does everything pretty well except rebound. But we can get away with it as long as J.R. and Biedrins get their rebounds, which allows me to let them play together."
"That was the technical move that we had and I tried to get everyone to play defense the way we did in Detroit and I feel that they did. In the 3rd quarter we really got after it and rebounded with them. I liked the way the team has played the past 3 games. Now that we have everyone together, it’s going to be fun to see how well we can play.”
Al Harrington On tonight's game “We turned our defense up. In the locker room, coach got after us and said we haven’t started playing yet, and guys responded. We had an 11 point quarter, defensively, and if we can do that, we’ll win our fair share of games.”
Stephen Jackson On having everyone back “We’re not getting down when teams make runs on us. We’re coming out with a sense of urgency and a great, confident attitude to begin games and we’re finding ways to win. Having everybody able to play and finding ways to win is great. Hopefully we can continue to do that.”
Monta Ellis On tonight's game “We just have to go from here. Everybody is back and we’re playing great basketball right now. We just need to continue doing what we are doing. We picked up the defensive intensity. It wasn’t just stopping him (Iverson), but it was stopping other guys from getting him the ball. We were putting pressure on the ball and that allowed us to come out with the win.”
Matt Barnes On having everyone healthy “Oh yeah, this is what we envisioned. We are really putting forth the effort, guys are talking, they’re helping, and this is how we envisioned the team. We are playing as a team and playing as a whole.”